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Archived Press Releases

Press Release

November 30, 2022

From the office of Tina Rau

Candidate for Pacific Grove City Council


Election Results:


Although the results were not what I had hoped for, I would like to congratulate the new in coming Pacific Grove City Council members.  My hope is that each of these people keep their campaign promises and respect the will of the voters.  Although I didn’t prevail this time, I will still support the council and make sure we take the necessary steps to move PG in a forward direction, in whatever capacity that presents itself.


I would like to thank my wife Beth for her support the last few months.  I know this hasn’t been easy on you and I appreciate everything you did to help my campaign.  I would also like to thank my finance manager Colleen and her wife Esther.  The coordination of the data, the canvassing and the postcard writing was beyond friendship.  I am forever grateful.  To all of my family, friends, and neighbors who made contributions, volunteered, and requested yard signs, thank you!  The best part of this campaign was getting to know the voters of PG and making new friends all over town.  I look forward to working together to move PG forward.


Tina Rau




Press Release

From the office of Tina Rau, Candidate for Pacific Grove City Council

Monday September 26, 2022

After having a group of people - none of whom I know, nor do they follow anyone I know - attempt to follow me on Twitter, I have locked my account temporarily for security reasons.  I will not allow my followers, some of whom are in marginalized communities, be subject to stalking or harassment.  



Tina Rau



Press Release

From the office of Tina Rau

Candidate for Pacific Grove City Council

Candidate Forum Opening Statement-Tuesday, September 20, 2022


Thank you to the League of Women Voters and the PG Chamber for arranging this candidate forum.

My name is Tina Rau. I lived in PG for almost 20 years and moved away for my career. I have moved all over the state, but PG is the one place I that always felt like home to me. Almost six years ago, in anticipation of my retirement, we bought a small house, fixed it up and five years ago, made PG our forever home.

There are a lot of issues facing Pacific Grove. Some of those include a crumbling infrastructure including sidewalks and streets. We should also be replacing our aging infrastructure with with renewable energy. We need to invest in a recycled water delivery system for our public lands. We need to be responsible stewards of the environment; living on the shore of the Monterey Bay Marine Sanctuary is a serious responsibility. We need a strong small business base in our four commercial districts. Our downtown is shrinking, and if the vacancies continue, we won’t have a downtown to enjoy.


My plans include creating an incubator space in one of the large vacant buildings so that 4-6 small business can share the building until they build up their business and can move to their own spaces. I would also like to have a city program that attracts PG students back home after they have finished collage or trade school, that helps them open a new business in a restaurant or retail. We need a commercial kitchen space to help small restaurants get on their feet.


We need to have an accessible playground space for our special needs kids. I would like to see a dog park and a skate park built so that everyone has a community space to gather.

I believe that if we put PG first, everything else will follow. If we have a strong small business base we can use the revenue to complete these projects as well as support any community funded projects.


If you agree, I would be honored to have your vote. Thank you.


Candidate Forum Closing Statement

You have heard a lot tonight about everyone’s vision for PG. Mine is one of optimism and looking forward to what’s possible. We can build a city that benefits from more community space, revitalize our downtown, and prioritize infrastructure.


I consider myself a public servant, not a politician. I have not taken money, solicited or accepted endorsements from agencies or businesses who may have business in front of the city council. I want to do what’s best for PG and the residents. To read more about me and my plans, visit You can also help the campaign by placing a yard sign or hosting a gathering.    

Thank you.  I am humbly asking for your vote.


Tina Rau


Press Release 
From the office of Tina Rau, Candidate for Pacific Grove City Council

Monday September 12, 2022

It has been brought to my attention that someone found a retweet from my personal twitter account calling out the hypocrisy of organized religion. After the overturning of Roe, I - like most women - was angry and sad. And while I firmly believe that people have the right to practice whatever religion they choose, no religion has the right to dictate other people’s bodily autonomy, make their healthcare decisions, or dictate who they can marry.


To help combat that hypocrisy, I am going to do what I have always done; try to make positive changes. I will work for all of the people of Pacific Grove, with a focus on what matters here - infrastructure improvements, building a vibrant small business base, and protecting the environment  And that is where my focus will remain.

Tina Rau


Press Release

From the office of Tina Rau, Candidate for Pacific Grove City Council

Monday August 29, 2022

I have been asked by several industry groups to fill out forms to get their endorsements or contributions to my campaign.  I will not request an endorsement or take a contribution from any group that may have business before the PG City Council.  


Tina Rau



From:  Tina Rau, Candidate for PG City Council

Monday July 18, 2022

Press Release-Press Release-Press Release-Press Release

I have just filed the 501 form, my intent to run for PG City Council in the November 2022 election.  I love this city and I am determined to make it a better place for everyone.  There is so much to love about our city; the beautiful shoreline and the Monterey Bay Marine Sanctuary, our ‘America’s last hometown’ feel, and the warm people that reside here.  We also have some challenges, including a crumbling infrastructure, a shrinking downtown business center including recent losses of restaurants and retailers, decreasing foot traffic, and less tax revenue.  We seem to have some career politicians telling us that things can’t be done and why.  I believe we need to look at the possibilities and say yes, and how.  How can we grow our downtown small businesses while maintaining our small town feel, be responsible stewards of the environment, and maintain a healthy tax base so that we don’t have to make hard decisions.  If you agree, join me at There you will find more detail on the framework I will use as a public servant to guide my decisions.  I look forward to this campaign and eventually, if the voters agree, serving on your City Council.   

Tina Rau


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